Resources and Rates Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to select the resource and rate information that you want to import from the schedule and to select the Cobra resource and rate files that you are importing data into.

Note: The Resources and Rates page displays only if you are importing resources and rates, or if you are creating a new Cobra project even if you do not select to import resources and rates.


If Resources and Rates is not selected on the Action Selection page but you select to create a Cobra project during the import, a resource and a rate file are required. You must then define an existing Cobra resource file and rate file to use with the new project. Under this condition, the Resources and Rates page prompts you to define an existing Cobra resource file and rate file to use with the new project. These files will be validated when you click Next.

Field Description
Action Use this field to select whether to update an existing code file in Cobra or to create or overwrite a new one.
  • Update: Select this option to add new codes to the existing file. Codes that match the imported codes will have the description updated.
  • Create/ Overwrite: Select this option to create the selected Cobra code file if it does not exist yet. If it exists, the existing file is deleted and recreated.
Schedule resource file Click to select an RDS (Resource Description Structure) file to import from the schedule.
Note: Resources imported from the Res_Name field is the only option for this field in Microsoft Project. Resource ID is the only option for this field in Primavera.
Cobra resource file Use this field to select or enter the Cobra file into which data is imported.
When importing into an existing project, the default resource file is the file assigned to the selected project, and the default action is update.
  • If you select Update as the action, the Cobra resource file must be an existing file.
  • If you select Create/Overwrite as the action, you can either select an existing file or enter a name for a new file to be created.

If you select to create a new resource file, a rate file must be defined to associate with the new file.

Use templates for resource calculations Select this option to select an existing resource file to use when applying resource calculations to the resource codes. Selecting this option enables the Template resource file field.
Template resource file Click to select an existing Cobra resource file.
Load Rates from the schedule Select this option to import rates in addition to the resources. Selecting this option enables the following:
  • Action: If you select Update, ensure that the Cobra rate file is existing. If you select Create/Overwrite, you can either select an existing file or enter a name for the new file to be created.
  • Cobra rate file: If you select Update as the action, click to select a file to update. If you select Create/Overwrite as the action, the default value in the Cobra rate File field is New Rate 1. If that name exists, it will increment to the next number.

Rates are created with the same name as the resource code.

You cannot import rates without importing resources.